Profiles: Muslim
The following shows the demographic information within the Childhood Experience and Religious Affiliation Survey, and does not necessary reflect demographic realities in the Anglosphere. Instead the utility of the following is to compare those Muslims and the average to see where Muslims tend to differ from the average. I.) Summery II.) Data I.) Summery Those who choose to identify as Muslims tended to be female, Millennial Canadians. They tended to come from stable families (divorce, abandonment and death of the father before adulthood were notable lower than average.) Most Muslims sampled where brought up as Muslims. Total Number: 107 Gender balance: 71.96% Average: 45.18 female Main country: 71.03% Canadian Average: 19.09 % American Age balance: 53.27% Average: 37.12% Millennial Education: 36.45% Bachelor Average: 33.97% Bachelor Raised Muslim: 89.72% Average: 3.70% raised Muslim Father's religious involvement : Prayer: 72.9...